Quick meeting with Ken Learning contract

Getting to the end of the semester and looking over the hand in specifications. Need to right a learning contract and get it approved by supervisor before hand in. So wrote a fist draft this weekend and showed Ken today and he thought it was ok.

Here is the learning contract so far might change a little before hand in:

Learning Contract

Module Code: AG1084A 
Module Title: Honours Project

Student Name:  Alastair Low
Student Number:  1002864
Telephone Number: 0790 606 96 20
Email Address: lowtek@hotmail.co.uk

Project Title: Emulating traditional 2d art media in a real-time 3d game engine.

Project Aim: Explore the methods of achieving a variety of traditional illustrative styles in a real time game engine through a deconstructive processing of existing artworks, followed by a reconstruction of the key elements which are unique to the style.

To emulate traditional art media in a real-time 3d game engine from an artist perspective.
Deconstruct key elements of existing 2d styles
Reconstruct Styles using 3d Techniques

Major Tasks: 
Research and Identify Non Photo Realistic techniques.
Test methods of achieving Non Photo Realistic techniques.
Create a critical framework to quantify an example’s successfulness. 
Create a simple story to contain the art switching in the art styles and implement successful test findings in a single final game project.

Submission Deliverables: 
Final game and source files, test files and source files, project blog, dissertation, learning contract, project diary meeting sheets,

Blender, Photoshop, Audacity, blender 3rd Person Template, blender artist
Signature of Student                                                                                      Date

NB The assessment of the Honours Project module AG1084A will be based on the material stated and agreed with your supervisor in the submission deliverables section of the Honours Project Learning Contract, which must incorporate the mandatory submission requirements stated in the brief. You must ensure that any changes to your Learning Contract are agreed by your supervisor. You must ensure that the latest signed-off copy of your Learning Contract is handed in, together with the appropriate submission deliverables as listed on the Contract, by the due hand-in time and date. Failure to do so will mean that the last submitted Learning Contract will be the definitive agreement upon which assessment of the handed-in deliverables will be based


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