Character Media tests

I mad this last week but only recorded it now.
We were invited to show off the Go away mr bear game at the DCA so we made buisness cards and i put the boy from this project on them to show different styles.

I just used the same techniques as i have in the previous tests , notice that i changed the watter colors eyes as the sphere didint look right for the style.
Also note that the animated outline canot be achived like in previous posts as when it gets exported to exe or ran in the blender player the displacmen modifier turns off :(.

And here they are in action:

There are still a few minor things i would like to change about them but they look good at this stage and i can move on. 
I also did miss ou the oil paint version of the boy, this is only as i still havenot did a test in this media and this is a level which might be cut at a leter date , and the fact that iv used all my black and whites  form all my oil and acrilic paints.


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